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Supplier Toolkit Digital Assets Overview

Welcome to the NASPO ValuePoint Social Toolkit for Suppliers

This comprehensive toolkit empowers our diverse range of supplier partners with the resources needed to effectively utilize NASPO brand assets across social media channels for marketing purposes as an awarded NASPO ValuePoint contract holder. The toolkit includes two downloadable supplier badges and NASPO ValuePoint trademarked logo variations for social media and website/marketing materials. Stay tuned, as more social assets will be added to the toolkit for suppliers in Summer 2024!

Here’s how you can use the toolkit:



Please follow these guidelines for logo and graphic asset usage
  • Only use approved, high-resolution NASPO ValuePoint logo artwork provided
    directly by us. Do not alter or recreate the logo.
  • Display the logo in its original colors and proportions. Do not distort or alter its
    shape. Provide proper trademark attribution of NASPO ValuePoint's ownership when displaying the logo.
  • Do not use the NASPO ValuePoint logo to imply endorsement of your company,
    products or services. If your supplier authorization expires or terminates,
    immediately discontinue use of the logo.

Sample Posts

These sample posts will serve as templates and guidelines for creating content that is aligned with NASPO ValuePoint's brand and messaging. More to come Summer 2024!

New Contract Awardee Sample Posts
  • Sample Post #1: We are excited to share (company name) has been awarded with
    @NASPO ValuePoint contract (#xxxx) for (product or service). The NASPO ValuePoint program streamlines procurement for state and local governments. We’re honored to
    be a contract holder and serve communities nationwide.
  • Sample Post #2: Thrilled to announce (company name) has been awarded a
    @NASPOValuePoint contract (#xxxx) to provide (product/service) to member states! This contract will allow us to help public procurement leaders deliver solutions nationwide
Currently Awarded Supplier
  • Sample Post #1: We are proud to be a @NASPO ValuePoint Supplier Partner. As a NASPO ValuePoint contract holder, we look forward to being a part of streamlining procurement purchasing of (products/services) for states and local government authorities across the US.
  • Sample Post #2: We are excited to be part of the @NASPO ValuePoint cooperative and their ongoing commitment towards making government purchasing easy. As a NASPO ValuePoint contract holder, we are committed to helping states and local government authorities across the USA with the ability to issue purchase orders directly.
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Social Mention Instructions

When mentioning NASPO in a post, always use the official branded handles. Do not use shorthand versions or make up unofficial handles, always use the full, official handles. Be sure to follow us on social media!

  • Facebook: @NASPO
  • LinkedIn: @NASPO ValuePoint
  • LinkedIn: @National Association of State Procurement Officials